Entering Address          Global Work System

Entering Customer Address

Customer needs to be added in the system before creating customer address.
To enter a customer address , choose the customer in “Show Customer” screen. Click “Address :” bar to see the existing customer addresses.

Enter Customer Address

Click “New” to enter a new customer address. A screen with blank customer address appear and choose address type (Billing , Shipping)

Enter Customer Address

Add an identifier for this address . Address Identifier uniquely identify an address. This helps prevent adding duplicate address for the customer.Different addrees identifier represent different addresses even the address remains same.

Enter Customer Address

Enter country ,Address, City , state and postal code for the customer.

this address appear in most of the customer document.

Click “Save” to save the customer address.

Enter Customer Address

Edit Customer Address

To edit customer address , click address type for the selected address

Enter Customer Address

Once the address is changed, the record can be saved by clicking “Save” button

Changing customer address does not impact existing shipment transaction. New invoices will have the updated customer information. Always create a new address if the customer has new address rather than changing the existing address.